PCMT Pregnancy Center in Spring Hill on Postpartum Depression


Pregnancy is a joyful experience, but it is not without moments of less-than-wonderful feelings. Hormones, aches and pains, and facing the unknown can make even the most excited expectant parent question their situation.

It is not uncommon to experience the ‘baby blues,’ which the advocates at Pregnancy Center of Middle Tennessee’s pregnancy Center in Spring Hill explain are characterized by sadness and worry. These feelings begin at birth and are triggered by a combination of fatigue and the sudden drop of progesterone and estrogen that takes place just after delivery. Usually, these feelings dissipate within a week as the body’s hormone levels return to normal. But sometimes they don’t.

The baby blues can escalate to postpartum depression. This is typified by feelings of extreme exhaustion and sorrow coupled with confusion and internalized guilt. A woman suffering from postpartum depression may lose interest in her baby. She may be impassive to food, sex, and socialization and will often neglect routine chores around the home. The pregnancy center in Spring Hill reports that those in the throes of postpartum depression may feel worthless and seriously doubt their abilities as a mom.

Postpartum depression, like the baby blues, is likely triggered by hormones. It’s a condition that knows no racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic background barriers, but women with a family or personal history of mental health disorders are at the greatest risk. Other factors that elevate the chances of developing postpartum depression include a difficult pregnancy and lack of support once the baby arrives.

According to the pregnancy center in Spring Hill, postpartum depression is treatable. Women experiencing unusual sadness for more than two weeks after giving birth are encouraged to talk to their doctor. A trusted clergy member or therapist may also offer support during this time.

Treatment for postpartum depression will likely include a combination of medicine, therapy, social support, exercise, sleep, and eating a healthy diet. These things can help the new mom regaining control of her life as the body returns to pre-pregnancy hormone levels. It is not an overnight fix, however, but seeking help can lead to a faster recovery.

Rarely does postpartum depression trigger the potentially serious condition called postpartum psychosis. This poses a threat to the mother and baby. The mother may believe irrational thoughts, such as that she is supposed to hurt her baby. Postpartum psychosis is a medical emergency and cannot be ignored.

The pregnancy center in Spring Hill notes that women seeking treatment for the baby blues or postpartum depression will further benefit from self-care actions such as spending time alone, talking with friends and family, and remembering to be thankful for all of the little things in life.

Postpartum depression is not a rare disorder, and it is not something to be ashamed of. Seeking help is the first step toward being able to enjoy all of the benefits that come along with parenthood.

If you or someone you love is experiencing the crushing symptoms of postpartum depression, don’t hesitate to reach out to Pregnancy Centers of Middle TN. Seek help and know that there is a light waiting at the end of this dark and seemingly endless tunnel.